Dear Patients,
While I have made the decision to continue my practice for the time being, I would like to raise your awareness to the latest updates regarding COVID-19.
- THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA has declared a health emergency.
- THE COLLEGE OF REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS (CMTBC) has made the strong recommendation to suspend all practice for the next 14 days. - THE REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY ASSOCIATION (RMTBC) recommends that treatment should only be offered to patients with urgent needs. For those patients whose care and treatments can be postponed, we recommend not resuming treatments until after March 30.
I take these recommendations very seriously but do not consider a full suspension of practice and the resulting refusal of care in my patients’ best interest. I furthermore recognize the deep negative impact the current insecurity, fear and high stress levels have on our health.
I will actively cancel appointments for clients that are at increased risk of having been exposed to he virus or contracting a serious infection if exposed, as well as refuse treatment of patients who have any signs or symptoms of a viral respiratory infection. In addition I ask every patient to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of their scheduled treatment, taking into serious consideration the recommendations from official sources as well as the best interest of yourself, people close to you and other patients.
Please cancel/reschedule your upcoming appointment as soon as possible, if you:
- are in a high risk group (compromised immune system, underlying systemic disease, elderly etc.)
- are experiencing or have experienced signs and symptoms of a viral respiratory infection within the last 14 days (cough, fever etc.)
- have been exposed to anyone who is suspected to have contracted COVID-19 within the last 14 days
- returned from travels outside abroad or any other high risk area within the last 14 days
Prevention recommendations from BCCDC:
- wash your hands often and well
- avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
- avoid close contact with people who are sick
- clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched
- stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill
- when sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands
- Actively participate in social distancing
If you are unsure if you should cancel/reschedule an appointment, please feel free to contact me.
Stay calm and healthy during this difficult times and reach out for medical support if you need it!
Bianca Thoma
Registered Massage Therapist
Helpful links:
- BC CENTER OF DISEASE CONTROL has created a hotline for non-medical questions regarding COVID-19:
- CANADA’S ECONOMIC RESPONSE PLAN information regarding support for employees and small businesses: